Business Locations in Japan
Head Office
( Sales・Development・Management )
4F Oi-Choyo Bldg. 5-12-10, Higashioi,Shinagawa-ku,
Tokyo 140-0011 Japan
TEL : +81(0)3-3471-8548
FAX : +81(0)3-3450-3939
URL : https://www.oshinolamps.co.jp
E-mail : sales@oshinolamps.co.jp
Kagoshima Factory
( Development, Production for Lamps and Assembly for Lamps and LEDs )
Nan-ei 6-1-9, Kagoshima-Shi,
Kagoshima 891-0122
TEL : +81(0)99-260-2266
FAX : +81(0)99-260-2267
Yamanashi Factory
( Design and Production for tooling, plastic molding for transparent resin, Assembly. )
601-2 Shirai-cho Koufu City,
Yamanashi Pref, 400-1502
TEL : +81(0)55-266-5515
FAX : +81(0)55-266-5516
Oak Ltd.
824 Masutubo-cho Koufu City,
Yamanashi Pref, 400-0832
TEL : +81(0)55-242-2244
FAX : +81(0)55-242-2245
Business Locations in Oversea
Oshino Lamps GmbH ( Sales・Development )
Pretzfelder Str. 13 90425 Nuremberg, Germany
TEL : +49 (0)911 93478 0
URL : https://www.oshino-lamps.de/
E-mail : info@oshino-lamps.de
Oshino Lamps (UK) Ltd. ( Sales )
15-16 Headstocks Industrial Park, Merchant Way, Watnall Nottingham, NG16 1AA, England
TEL : +44 (0)115 964 1305
URL : https://www.oshino-lamps.co.uk/
E-mail : sales@oshino.co.uk
Oshino Lamps France S.A.S ( Sales )
Teleport 9, Zone Tertiaire Pyrene Aero Pole 65290 Juillan France
TEL : +33 (0)5 62 32 63 63
URL : https://www.oshino-lamps.com/
E-mail : info@oshino-lamps.fr
Oshino Lamps Italia S.R.L ( Sales )
Via Leonardo Da Vinci 110 50028 Tavarnelle Val Di Pesa Florence, Italy
TEL : +39 (0)55 8070221
URL : http://www.oshinoitalia.it/oli/oli_products.html
E-mail : oshinoinf@oshinoitalia.it
Oshino Lamps America, Ltd. ( Sales )
47550 Avante Drive,Wixom, MI 48393,USA
TEL : +1 (0)262 226 8620
URL : https://www.oshinolamps.com/
E-mail : america@oshinolamps.com
Oshino Lamps(HK) Ltd. ( Sales )
Block B2-D, 2/F, Hang Fung Industrial Building, No. 2G Hok Yuen St Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: +852-2362-8221
E-mail : hk@oshinolamps.com
Oshino Electronics Estonia Osauhing ( Sales・Assembly )
J.V. Jannseni 26, 80010 Parnu, ESTONIA
TEL : +372 5342 2286
URL : https://www.oshino.ee/
E-mail : info@oshino.ee
Oshino Lamps(SHANGHAI) Ltd. ( Sales )
Dongfangweijing building 12th floor Room A12, Xianxia road No.333, Changning district, Shanghai city. 200336
TEL : +86 (0)21 2357 0948
URL : https://www.oshinolamps.com.cn/
E-mail : shanghai@oshinolamps.com.cn
Oshino Lamps Türkiye A.Ş.
Istasyon Mah. Yarış çıkmazı Sk. No:1; iÇ Kapı No:44 34940 Tuzla/Istanbul - Türkiye
TEL : +90 (0)531 464 85 16
URL : https://www.oshino-lamps.com.tr
E-mail : info@oshino-lamps.com.tr